PRC Court Pierced the Veil of Co-insurance and Found Reinsurance Relationship Established Between the Insurers

By Jia WAN

In a recent case published by Beijing Financial Court (the “BFC”), which was represented by AnJie Broad and classified as one of the typical financial cases for the year of 2022, the BFC pierced the veil of “co-insurance”, and confirmed that reinsurance legal relationship was established between two insurers.

The dispute arose out of the “co-insurance agreement” entered by PICC and China Life where the two insurance companies had disagreement as to the amount that PICC should … Read the rest

A president and a justice: The shaping of securities law at the Supreme Court

A president and a justice: The shaping of securities law at the Supreme Court


So many books cover the work of the Supreme Court that the Journal of Supreme Court History can review several of them in each issue. The overwhelming majority of those books, though, analyze the work of the court interpreting the Constitution. The court’s other task — interpreting federal statutes — remains markedly underrepresented. Of course, it can be hard to craft a sustained narrative about those cases when many deal with relatively obscure statutes that the court rarely examines … Read the rest

New Supreme Court Fellows Begin Term

Four new U.S. Supreme Court Fellows will begin their 2023-2024 fellowships in September. The Supreme Court Fellows Program, established by the late Chief Justice Warren E. Burger in 1973, provides participants the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the federal Judiciary. Fellows work alongside top officials in the judicial branch on projects that further the goals of the Judiciary.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest

Julien Gracq pour la rentrée

La forme d’une œuvre, c’est une exposition épatante consacrée à Julien Gracq par la Bibliothèque nationale de France (site Tolbiac, jusqu’au 3 septembre). L’ermite de Saint-Florent-le-Vieil (1910-2007) qui n’aimait pas « faire visiter les cuisines aux invités » a légué un fonds de quinze mille feuillets à la BnF. On admire moult manuscrits, l’écriture appliquée du bon élève (professeur, normalien, agrégé) des photographies, témoignages. Dernières volontés obligent, il faudra attendre 2027 pour connaitre les secrets de trente cahiers inédits de notules. A … Read the rest

The morning read for Friday, August 25

The morning read for Friday, August 25


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read:

  • US thinktank linked to billionaires behind supreme court wealth tax case lobbying (Stephanie Kirchgaessner & Dominic Rushe, The Guardian) 
  • Law schools’ admission essays revamped after Supreme Court affirmative action ruling (Karen Sloan, Reuters) 
  • The Supreme Court’s Ethics Problem Has a Pretty Easy Solution (Michael J. Broyde, Bloomberg Law)
  • The One Thing the Supreme Court
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Once-suspended Twitter user argues California violated his First Amendment rights

Once-suspended Twitter user argues California violated his First Amendment rights


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Last week the federal government encouraged the justices to review a pair of petitions involving two nearly identical laws in Florida and Texas that seek to regulate how large social media platforms can block, remove, or demonetize user content. Lawmakers in both states passed the bills to address what they … Read the rest

Three Arrows Capital Co-Founder Avoids Contempt and Sanctions in United States, But Bankruptcy Court Previews Worldwide Enforcement Options

On June 27, 2022, Three Arrows Capital (“3AC”), a crypto hedge fund, commenced liquidation proceedings in the British Virgin Islands and thereafter filed recognition proceedings in, among other countries, the United States and Singapore.  As we discussed earlier this year, on December 2, 2022, the bankruptcy court presiding over 3AC’s chapter 15 proceeding pending in the Southern District of New York held that the 3AC joint liquidators (the “JLs”) could serve a subpoena (the “U.S. Subpoena”) upon a 3AC cofounder, … Read the rest