Important Changes to NY’s Health Care Proxy Law

As of November 2023, having a valid health care proxy became easier for New Yorkers. A health care proxy allows a competent adult to appoint an agent to make health care choices for them if they lose the ability to make those decisions for themselves. Two adults who are not appointed in the document must witness the signing of the health care proxy for it to be valid.[1]

The use of remote witnessing with audio-visual technology was permitted during the … Read the rest

Attention! Important new decision on accrual of paid leave in France

French Law

French law has traditionally provided that absences due to non-occupational illness are not taken into account when determining the amount of paid leave accrued, as they do not constitute a period of actual work. Periods of absence due to an occupational accident or illness lasting more than one uninterrupted year are not taken into account either. In broad terms, you do not accrue holiday while off sick unless it is work-related, and even then, for one year only. Where paid … Read the rest

In Maryland prison-assault case, a request to clarify an important procedural question

In Maryland prison-assault case, a request to clarify an important procedural question


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Defendants appealing a case in federal court have to follow a series of rules to keep a specific issue alive and eligible for review. This week, we highlight cert petitions that ask the court to consider, among other things, whether a prison official appealing a jury verdict against him can … Read the rest