FDA announces new strategy to prevent contamination of fresh and frozen berries

The FDA has developed a new strategy to prevent the contamination of fresh and frozen berries with viruses such as hepatitis A and norovirus.

“Collaboration between regulators, the global berry industry, and other interest holders has been critical for the development of this strategy. We look forward to ongoing collaboration to ensure the success of this strategy, and others, for the prevention of foodborne illness,” said Conrad Choiniere, director of the Office of Microbiological Food Safety at the FDA’s Human … Read the rest

Environmental Disclosures: CDP announces plastics to be added to Reporting Platform for first time

On April 19, 2023, the influential CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) announced that nearly 7,000 organizations worldwide can disclose their plastic-related impacts for the first time, as CDP’s global environmental disclosure platform opens for 2023 reporting. CDP is adding plastic-related reporting to its online platform in response to a request from more than 740 investors with US$ 136 trillion in assets.

Last October, CDP reported that a record of around 20,000 organizations (over 18,700 companies representing over half of global market capitalization … Read the rest

HKMA and SFC Cross-Agency Steering Group Announces Collaboration with CDP to Facilitate Climate-Related Risk Disclosures by Small and Medium Enterprises

On 20 December 2022, the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group (the “Steering Group”) co-chaired by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) and the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) announced that it has entered into a collaboration arrangement with CDP, an international non-profit organisation that runs the global environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions.

Through this collaboration, the Steering Group and CDP seek to:

  1. enhance climate and environmental disclosure in
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Biden Announces Additional Import and Export Restrictions on Russia

On March 11, 2022, President Joseph Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) announcing further prohibitions on imports, exports and new investments related to Russia. This announcement was made at the same time that the president and the other G7 leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, as well as the European Union, announced new economic actions which will revoke Russia’s “Most Favored Nation” status (see Update of March 12, 2022) and efforts to deny borrowing … Read the rest