Attention! Important new decision on accrual of paid leave in France

French Law

French law has traditionally provided that absences due to non-occupational illness are not taken into account when determining the amount of paid leave accrued, as they do not constitute a period of actual work. Periods of absence due to an occupational accident or illness lasting more than one uninterrupted year are not taken into account either. In broad terms, you do not accrue holiday while off sick unless it is work-related, and even then, for one year only. Where paid … Read the rest

ChatGPT nelle aule di tribunale: utile strumento di difesa o rischio eccessivo?

La suola rossa del noto brand Christian Louboutin, creata per la prima volta nel 1993 con un semplice smalto, incarna ormai un’icona nel mondo della moda, tanto che è stata registrata come marchio e viene tenacemente tutelata dal suo titolare.

Di recente, Louboutin ha prevalso in due procedimenti promossi contro contraffattori dinanzi ai tribunali di India e Brasile, continuando una lunga serie di vittorie nelle aule di tribunale e contribuendo a consolidare la reputazione del brand nel settore della moda. … Read the rest

UK Finance – Fraud Update

UK Finance has recently published its half yearly fraud update for the first half of 2023, its findings are based on data reported to it by its members, which include financial providers, credit, debit and charge card issuers and card payment acquirers.

The results are interesting, although perhaps not surprising to anyone who has been bombarded by scam emails and phone calls informing you, in increasingly inventive ways, that your Netflix account has been suspended, that you are being investigated … Read the rest

California Legislative Year-End Review: Preparing for 2024 (US)

On October 14, 2023, California’s active legislative year came to an end, leaving numerous employment law updates in its wake. This year, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed novel laws that create new rights for employees (and requirements for employers) while also amending some current laws, thereby changing existing employer obligations. Here, we summarize the laws expected to have the greatest impact on California employers in 2024.

Paid Sick Leave Increases (SB 616)

As described in greater detail in … Read the rest

The Corporate Transparency Act: Will it Impact You?

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will affect most small, privately held businesses starting January 1, 2024. Does the CTA apply to you?

What is the CTA?
The CTA, a law enacted by Congress, will require certain business entities to disclose beneficial ownership information to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The purpose of the act is to combat financial crimes, including money laundering, terrorism, human and drug trafficking and tax evasion by creating a centralized … Read the rest

A Major Deal for the Minor League: California Bill Paves the Way for Historic Collective Bargaining Agreement for Minor League Baseball

Major changes are coming to the Minor League. In April, Major League Baseball (MLB) players and owners voted to ratify a historic collective bargaining agreement that, for the first time in history, covers Minor League players. MLB owners voted unanimously to ratify the agreement on April 3, following a March 31 vote in which more than 99 percent of Minor League players voted to ratify the agreement. The five-year agreement, which was negotiated by MLB and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA), … Read the rest

This Week in Regulation for Broadcasters:  October 9 to October 13, 2023

Here are some of the regulatory developments of significance to broadcasters from the past week, with links to where you can go to find more information as to how these actions may affect your operations.

  • FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel announced that two Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) have been drafted, which, if adopted by the Commission, would seek public comment on proposals to protect consumers from the effects of blackouts lasting more than 24 hours resulting from the failure
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Attention California Employers! Soon, You Will Need to Provide Employees Five Days (or 40 Hours) of Paid Sick Leave (US)

On October 4, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) No. 616 into law, which expands California’s mandatory paid sick leave from three days (or twenty-four hours) to five days (or forty hours). The increased paid sick leave requirements take effect on January 1, 2024.


In 2014, California enacted the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 (“HWHFA”), providing California employees with paid sick leave. The HWHFA became effective on July 1, 2015, and has been amended … Read the rest