Silencing the Roar of Trump’s Legal Troubles: Biden’s Missed Opportunities to Defend Democracy

 In our highly polarized nation, the incendiary or anti-democratic as well as anti-rule of law rhetoric that has been flowing from former president Donald Trump and revolving around his four criminal indictments, 91 felony charges, and implicit securing of the 2024 GOP presidential nomination has already reduced the upcoming election between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Trump to a matter of whether the United States will remain a democratic republic or become another fallen illiberal democracy. 

Yet in the second Read the rest

Could New Compassionate Guidelines Release Enhance Opportunities for Federal Inmates?

Under federal law, 18 U.S.C. 3582(c)(1)(A), a federal prisoner may file a motion for reduction of sentence seeking a “compassionate release” from penal custody. 

Prior to filing such a motion, the prisoner must exhaust available administrative remedies—a process that involves four stages:

  • Stage 1: A written request to the warden of incarcerating facility outlining the “extraordinary or compelling” reasons for release with specific information about prisoner’s place of panned residence, prisoner’s ability to support themselves, prisoner’s medical treatment information (if
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Big Data and HR Decision Making: Opportunities and Challenges

By our Member, Georgia Veroutsou


Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in organizations, responsible for recruiting, developing, and retaining employees. With the rapid growth of data in recent years, HR professionals have access to more information than ever before. The use of Big Data technology in HRM can provide insights that were previously unattainable, which can be used to make informed decisions that improve HR outcomes. This article examines the potential benefits of using Big Data … Read the rest

2023 Presents Reform Opportunities for Prosecutors Across the Nation

Time and again, pundits and tough-on-crime forces have prematurely predicted the demise of the reform-minded prosecutor movement. But 2022 solidified that this is in fact a movement, not a moment, and these elected officials are poised to lead the way on justice reform in 2023.

We saw innovative local prosecutors reelected last year in rural regions and large cities alike, from Dallas and Indianapolis to Burlington, Vermont and Jefferson County, Alabama, all of whom have been making transformative Read the rest