When Would Google Say Your Startup Law Firm Needs a Blog?

Does your startup law firm need a blog? 

According to Google’s experts, not necessarily, but in some cases a blog is a plus. 

In a Search Engine Roundtable article by Barry Schwartz, insights from John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, and Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, were highlighted to explore when blogging makes sense for start up businesses.

Mueller previously explained that blogging isn’t essential for SEO, but it can be impactful when done right:

Make a blog when you are

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Proposed FY 2024 Funding Levels Would Hurt Courts and Public, Letter to Congress Says

The Judicial Conference has expressed “deep concern” about pending congressional appropriations legislation, saying proposed funding levels that are far below the Judiciary’s request would have detrimental impacts on federal courts and the public.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest