Outspoken critic on Texas city council seeks to revive lawsuit over retaliatory arrest

Outspoken critic on Texas city council seeks to revive lawsuit over retaliatory arrest


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Four years ago, the Supreme Court ruled in Nieves v. Bartlett that a plaintiff who alleges he was arrested in retaliation for speech protected by the First Amendment must show that police lacked probable cause to arrest him. However, the decision carved out an exception to deal with situations in … Read the rest

IFSCA Relaxes Rules for Family Investment Funds in GIFT City

Fund structures are gaining popularity among wealthy individuals in India as optimum structures to help with wealth planning, investments, and tax management. Family offices are viewing GIFT City, India’s first international financial services centre (“IFSC”), for the purpose of facilitating global investments in a structured manner. 

The IFSC funds regime envisages a ‘Family Investment Fund’ (“FIF”) as a self-managed fund set up in the IFSC for pooling money from a ‘single family’. FIFs can be set … Read the rest

In First Amendment challenge to city billboard rules, justices will be sign language interpreters

In First Amendment challenge to city billboard rules, justices will be sign language interpreters


In 2015, the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that an Arizona town could not impose different restrictions on the display of temporary signs based on the messages they conveyed. The justices did not agree on the rationale for their ruling in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, however, and Justice Elena Kagan warned that the Supreme Court could become “a veritable Supreme Board of Sign Review.” On Wednesday, that board will be in session.

The case, City of Austin v. Read the rest