Clarence Earl Gideon, a Florida drifter who spent time in and out of prisons for nonviolent crimes, was an unlikely individual to help redefine a criminal defendant’s right to counsel 60 years ago in the Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainwright. Public Defense Week and National Public Defender Day, which occur March 18, commemorate the landmark case and the vital work of public defense lawyers.
Judiciary News – United States Courts… Read the rest
The Relist Watch column examines cert petitions that the Supreme Court has “relisted” for its upcoming conference. A short explanation of relists is available here.
The Supreme Court will observe St. Patrick’s Day this year by meeting in conference to discuss which of the 184 petitions and applications for resolution that day should be granted favorable consideration. Only one of those cases is newly relisted: Chapman v. Doe. Jane Doe, then an unemancipated 17-year-old, went to Missouri … Read the rest
By our Member, Georgia Veroutsou
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in organizations, responsible for recruiting, developing, and retaining employees. With the rapid growth of data in recent years, HR professionals have access to more information than ever before. The use of Big Data technology in HRM can provide insights that were previously unattainable, which can be used to make informed decisions that improve HR outcomes. This article examines the potential benefits of using Big Data … Read the rest
Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Tuesday morning read:
- How the Supreme Court’s decision in unclaimed property case will affect Delaware (Brandon Holveck, Delaware News Journal)
- The Supreme Court Just Keeps Deciding It Should Be Even More Powerful (Kimberly Wehle, The Atlantic)
- Just How Hypocritical Are the Supreme Court’s Conservative Justices Willing to Be? (Stephen Vladeck, The New York Times)
- The One Key
The Judiciary today reported on the progress made in 2022 in a number of critical areas of court operations, including improved safety and security of judges and staff, the courthouses where they work, and the IT systems relied on by the courts for day-to-day operations.
Judiciary News – United States Courts… Read the rest
Fund structures are gaining popularity among wealthy individuals in India as optimum structures to help with wealth planning, investments, and tax management. Family offices are viewing GIFT City, India’s first international financial services centre (“IFSC”), for the purpose of facilitating global investments in a structured manner.
The IFSC funds regime envisages a ‘Family Investment Fund’ (“FIF”) as a self-managed fund set up in the IFSC for pooling money from a ‘single family’. FIFs can be set … Read the rest
Today is the last day for our editor, James Romoser. The blog hired James nearly three years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, after a series of interviews over (of course) Zoom. We had only met him once in person several years before, and even after hiring him we still would not meet him in person for many months to come.
Although our early meetings with James may have been virtual, his impact on the blog was very … Read the rest
The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.
Going to court is one way to enforce your civil rights if they are violated by a state official. As options go, though, it can be expensive. This week, we highlight cert petitions that ask the court to consider, among other things, when a prevailing plaintiff in a civil-rights … Read the rest