Majority of court appears dubious of New York gun-control law, but justices mull narrow ruling

Majority of court appears dubious of New York gun-control law, but justices mull narrow ruling


This article was updated on Nov. 3 at 5:15 p.m.

When Wednesday’s oral argument in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen drew to a close after roughly two hours of debate, it seemed likely that New York’s 108-year-old handgun-licensing law is in jeopardy. But the justices’ eventual ruling might be a narrow one focused on the New York law (and others like it), saving broader questions on the right to carry a gun outside the home … Read the rest

Judiciary Launches Vulnerability Disclosure Program

The federal Judiciary has unveiled a new Vulnerability Disclosure Policy to ensure the security of data that can be accessed online. The policy gives security researchers clear guidelines on how they may conduct vulnerability discovery activities. It also instructs researchers on how to submit discovered vulnerabilities to the Judiciary.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest