How The UAE Is Legislating To Promote Grassroots Sports

This article was written for and first published by LawInSport. The original version is available to view here

The UAE government has always placed a strong emphasis on physical education for Emirati and expat youth and as early as 2010, the government started introducing binding regulations in that space. In time, this also started trickling down to numerous school sports programs and initiatives that are aimed at healthy living. Practicing organized sports has proven benefits in reducing the risk of … Read the rest

NARB Recommends Better Distinction Between Current Achievements and Future Goals

Last year, we wrote about a challenge that NAD had initiated against various green claims made by the American Beverage Association (or “ABA”). NAD found that several of ABA’s claims – including claims that “our bottles are made to be remade” and “we’re carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable” – were substantiated, but had concerns with others. ABA appealed the decision. Last week, NARB issued its own decision, siding with NAD. Here are some highlights.

Although NAD determined … Read the rest

Big Data and HR Decision Making: Opportunities and Challenges

By our Member, Georgia Veroutsou


Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in organizations, responsible for recruiting, developing, and retaining employees. With the rapid growth of data in recent years, HR professionals have access to more information than ever before. The use of Big Data technology in HRM can provide insights that were previously unattainable, which can be used to make informed decisions that improve HR outcomes. This article examines the potential benefits of using Big Data … Read the rest

IFSCA Relaxes Rules for Family Investment Funds in GIFT City

Fund structures are gaining popularity among wealthy individuals in India as optimum structures to help with wealth planning, investments, and tax management. Family offices are viewing GIFT City, India’s first international financial services centre (“IFSC”), for the purpose of facilitating global investments in a structured manner. 

The IFSC funds regime envisages a ‘Family Investment Fund’ (“FIF”) as a self-managed fund set up in the IFSC for pooling money from a ‘single family’. FIFs can be set … Read the rest

A Different Sort of Shameless Plug

A couple of our recent posts have mentioned the alternative compensation system created by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“Vaccine Act”), 42 U.S.C. §§300aa-10, et seq.

This Vaccine Program is the Act’s alternative to tort litigation, which addresses alleged injuries resulting from vaccines covered by the Vaccine Act.  The legal aspects of the Vaccine Program are administered by the Department of Justice, and here’s a link to government’s description of the program

For decades, the Vaccine Program has … Read the rest

Changes to BCEA Earnings Threshold and to National Minimum Wage Act from 1 March 2023

The Minister of Labour has determined that from 1 March 2023, the earnings threshold under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 increased from R224 080.48 per annum (approximately R18 673.37 per month) to R241 110.59 per annum (approximately R20 092.55 per month).

The national minimum wage increased from R23.19 per hour to R25.42 for each ordinary hour worked.

“Earnings” is defined in the BCEA as the regular annual remuneration before deductions i.e. income tax, pension, medical aid and similar … Read the rest

2023 Guide to Enforce Algerian Judgments in China-CTD 101 Series

Can I sue Chinese companies in Algeria and then enforce an Algerian judgment in China?

This post was first published in CJO GLOBAL, which is committed to providing consulting services in China-related cross-border trade risk management and debt collection. We will explain how debt collection works in China below.

Most likely, you don’t want to travel so far away as to bring a lawsuit in China. You may just want to take your case to the court on your doorstep because you are more familiar with … Read the rest


作者:鲁鸣 岳嵩 叶晓蓓 周昕 栾剑琦 王晓雪 徐春龙 董阳光 梁婉君 程诗迪 资小东



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