The Moral Panic in HR

In reaction to the Supreme Court’s holding that affirmative action is unconstitutional, Jane Coaston reminded us that this was a first world problem.

Getting into Harvard, Yale and Stanford will be hampered if they don’t use race as factor … Read the rest

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Lorna Patajo-Kapunan, Kapunan & Castillo

Lorna Patajo-Kapunan is the founder of Kapunan & Castillo, a full-service law firm with extensive experience in varied areas of law, and a member of the International Lawyers Network. In this episode, Lorna returns as a guest to discuss the impact of the pandemic on women in general and the Philippines in particular, how technology is shaping the next generation of lawyers, and her philosophy of “20 Hugs a Day.”

You can listen to the podcast here, or we’ve provided a transcript of the … Read the rest

Companies now have 10 business days to file changes to their corporate information

On 24 May 2023, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition published the Companies Amendment Regulations, 2023 (Amendment Regulations). The Amendment Regulations were drafted in consultation with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to align the Companies Regulations with the General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act, 2022 (General Laws Amendment Act). The General Laws Amendment Act amended four pieces of legislation, including the Companies Act, 2008 (Companies Act), in an effort to avoid or help overcome … Read the rest

Senators Urge State AGs to Protect Consumers From Cash Homebuying Companies

On June 13, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra provided the CFPB’s semiannual report to Congress, which included concerns about predatory house-flipping practices by companies like HomeVestors. Afterwards, Senate Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Chair Tina Smith (D-MN) and Senate Ranking Member Lummis (R-WY) sent a letter to the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), requesting a coordinated effort to prevent cash homebuyers from entrapping sellers into unfair contracts.

HomeVestors is accused of targeting and deceiving … Read the rest

Dans l’actualité sociale


Charge de la preuve des heures supplémentaires /

Les documents comportant des obligations pour les salariés doivent être rédigés en français /

Un contrat d’accompagnement dans l’emploi ne peut être requalifié en contrat de travail à durée indéterminée /

Requalification du contrat de travail à temps partiel en contrat à temps plein, dès le premier dépassement de l’horaire de travail, mais pas avant ! /

Assimilation du temps de trajet à du temps de travail effectif /

Assiette de … Read the rest

The Long-Term Health Care Industry Faces New, Intense USDOL Scrutiny: Make Sure You Are FLSA Compliant!

I have defended dozens of nursing homes, home health services, residential care centers and other health care providers in audits of their wage practices by the US. Department of Labor (“DOL”) and state DOLs.  I have come to learn that there are unique wage hour issues and challenges in this industry and that many well-meaning employers, seeking to comply with the law, step on regulatory landmines and end up in trouble.

Well, buckle up.  The USDOL is stepping up its … Read the rest

A reminder on how to accurately determine quantum in motor vehicle collisions.

This blog was co-authored with Jason Hudson, Candidate Attorney.

In February 2023, the Northwest High Court revisited the methods for determining damages suffered to a motor vehicle.

The plaintiff claimed a total of R185 056 in damages for collision damage to a motor vehicle. Despite a judgment on merits being granted in favour of the plaintiff in the Magistrates’ Court, it was held that the plaintiff had failed to prove the quantum of the damages on the motor vehicle.… Read the rest

Why Small and Mid-Size Law Firms Should Hire a Fractional Marketing Director

Have you considered the power of hiring a fractional marketing director?

Marketing plays a vital role in attracting clients, enhancing brand visibility and driving business growth.

However, many small and mid-size law firms face the challenge of limited resources and time constraints, making it difficult to implement effective marketing strategies. That’s where a fractional marketing director/outsourced CMO like me comes in.

Here are a few compelling reasons why your should consider hiring a fractional marketing director:

  1. Expertise without Breaking the
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