Artificial Intelligence & Maverick

A few weeks ago, on the way back home from a great family vacation in Italy, I traveled on a long 10 hour flight from Rome to Chicago.

Since I have a hard time sleeping on planes, I watched several movies on the “friendly skies” of my United Arlines flight.

I was in for a big treat as I watched “Top Gun” and “Top Gun Maverick” back-to-back. I’m a big fanboy of Captain Pete Mitchell AKA “Maverick” and sometimes I … Read the rest


Il 30 marzo 2023 è entrato in vigore il d.lgs. n. 24 del 10 marzo 2023 (consultabile qui), che recepisce in Italia la direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2019, riguardante la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni del diritto dell’Unione (c.d. direttiva whistleblowing, disponibile al seguente link).

Con delibera n. 311 del 12 luglio 2023, l’Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC) ha pubblicato le “Linee guida in materia di protezione delle persone che segnalano … Read the rest

Join Kelley Drye for a Webinar with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office: Colorado Privacy Act, AI, and Teen Mental Health

Join Kelley Drye’s State Attorneys General Ad Law Team on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 3 pm ET for the next program in the 2023 State Attorneys General Webinar Series: Colorado Attorney General’s Office – Colorado Privacy Act, AI, and Teen Mental Health.

Special guest speakers Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and Nathan Blake, Deputy Attorney General for Consumer Protection, will join Kelley Drye State Attorneys General practice Co-Chair Paul Singer, Special Counsel Abby Stempson, and Senior Associate Beth Chun for … Read the rest

Investment in Transmission Infrastructure for Future Offshore Wind Developments

Given the ambitious targets for offshore wind in support of the UK’s net zero ambitions, it is recognised that the existing grid connection infrastructure may be inadequate and that it is likely that provision needs to be made for more co-ordinated grid connections that incorporate the additional capability required to connect future offshore generation projects.

The costs and investment required to support the later connection of future offshore development(s) is referred to as “Anticipatory Investment”. The UK’s Office of Gas … Read the rest

GST Council’s half century meeting & the inning ahead!

The Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) legislation has recently completed its sixth anniversary. The 50th GST Council meeting conducted on July 11, 2023 was marked by tax rate changes, availability of exemptions, procedural amendments, etc. It is noteworthy that the GST Council is proactively considering representations and feedback from all quarters of the industry. While the Government has been persistent in its efforts to iron out all creases, bottlenecks continue to exist. It was also expected that … Read the rest

Expected Changes to the UK Corporate Moratorium

The three year review of CIGA (the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act) published by the Insolvency Service suggests that we might see changes to the corporate moratorium process – will these address concerns about the process and encourage more insolvency practitioners to recommend its use?

The moratorium aims to protect companies from enforcement action to give a struggling business opportunity to seek advice, negotiate with creditors and agree plans.  In practice (partly due to the support measures from the Government … Read the rest


Because of some reason or issue in the parent/child relationship, the patient’s daughter refused to be the decision maker in her mother’s care.

KINGS COUNTY HOSP. v. MR, 2023 NY Slip Op 50647 – NY: Kings Supreme Court 2023:


Kings County Hospital (KCH) filed an application to treat M.R. over her objection under the Family Healthcare Decisions Act, Public Health Law (PHL) § 29-cc. The statute permits the hospital to bring this special proceeding for M.R.’s … Read the rest

Salary reimbursement of seconded employees not taxable in the hands of foreign company: Delhi ITAT

Salary reimbursement of seconded employees not taxable in the hands of foreign company

The Hon’ble Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (“ITAT”), Delhi has recently held that salary reimbursement of seconded employees paid to the original employer without any profit element is not taxable as fee for technical services.

This case[1] pertains to Ernst and Young LLP, USA (“EY USA”), which is set up in the US. It had sent its employees on secondment (“Seconded Personnel”) to work with various EY member firms in India (“EY India”). … Read the rest