Former candidates say New Jersey’s “slogan statutes” violate the First Amendment

Former candidates say New Jersey’s “slogan statutes” violate the First Amendment


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Laws governing elections and the right to participate in the political process receive varying degrees of scrutiny when challenged in court. The Supreme Court has held that election laws restricting “core political speech” trigger a high degree of suspicion under the First Amendment. By comparison, laws that simply regulate the … Read the rest

Third Circuit Affirms Law Student’s Cyberstalking Plea, Holding Federal Criminal Cyberstalking Statute Does Not Violate Constitution

This week the Third Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal criminal law passed in 2013 regarding cyberstalking, holding that it passes constitutional muster.  U.S. v. Yung, Case No. 19-1640 (3d Cir.).  The case arose in the context of a criminal matter involving a student who was rejected from Georgetown University Law Center after interviewing with an alumni representative.  The decision issued by a three-judge panel is precedential and will impact other federal cyber litigations.  Read on to learn … Read the rest