Wonder Bread truck drivers seek exemption from mandatory arbitration

Wonder Bread truck drivers seek exemption from mandatory arbitration


Bissonnette v. LePage Bakeries Park St. brings the justices yet another case under a statute with which they are all too familiar – the Federal Arbitration Act. As regular readers will know, the court in the last few decades has heard numerous cases under the FAA. The great majority of those cases have involved arguments, by workers or customers, that for one reason or another courts should not enforce a pre-dispute arbitration agreement against them. And in almost all … Read the rest

North Dakota truck stop objects to federal allowance for debit-card processing fees

North Dakota truck stop objects to federal allowance for debit-card processing fees


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

The Administrative Procedure Act is a federal law that governs the procedures by which federal agencies propose and issue regulations. The APA gives anyone who is injured by an agency’s action the right to go to court to challenge the action, but plaintiffs must file their challenges “within six years … Read the rest