The Status of Non-Competes in Healthcare: How the FTC Rule and Other Recent Developments Affect Non-Competes for Doctors, Nurses, and Other Healthcare Practitioners

For healthcare providers and practitioners, the rules surrounding non-competition agreements have evolved rapidly over the last two years, and that evolution accelerated even more this month.  Over the past 18 months, states and the federal government enacted several new laws that substantially limit when healthcare entities can enforce non-competes.  Then, on April 24, the Federal Trade Commission issued a rule that will bar most non-competes in the U.S. if it survives legal challenges (albeit no sooner than late August 2024).  … Read the rest

Status quo watch

Status quo watch


The Relist Watch column examines cert petitions that the Supreme Court has “relisted” for its upcoming conference. A short explanation of relists is available here.

The Supreme Court made substantial progress at last week’s conference to reduce the accumulation of relisted cases. To begin with, the court granted review in five first-time relists: the challenge to the constitutionality of enforcing camping restrictions against the homeless; the government’s consular nonreviewability petition; Starbucks’ challenge to the National Labor Relations Board’s … Read the rest