AI won’t displace human judges, but will affect judiciary, Roberts says in annual report


In his annual report, Chief Justice John Roberts on Sunday addressed the future of artificial intelligence in the judiciary. Roberts predicted that “human judges will be around for a while,” but he also suggested that “judicial work—particularly at the trial level—will be significantly affected by AI,” and he assured members of the public that committees within the federal judiciary would consider the use of AI in litigation in the federal courts.

Roberts submits the annual report each year on … Read the rest

Roberts to Congress on court reforms: We’re on it

Roberts to Congress on court reforms: We’re on it


Chief Justice John Roberts began his 2021 year-end report, as he so often does, with an anecdote from history to set the stage. But by the end of the first page, the message of Roberts’ report, which he released as usual on the final day of the year, was clear. In a year when a presidential commission studied Supreme Court reform and members of Congress introduced major legislation to revamp aspects of the federal judiciary, Roberts argued that any … Read the rest