Heir to Chicago political dynasty brings his “false statement” charges to Supreme Court

Heir to Chicago political dynasty brings his “false statement” charges to Supreme Court


The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear the case of a former Chicago alderman, who served four months in a federal prison for lying to federal financial regulators about loans he took out from a local bank and failed to pay. Patrick Daley Thompson, a member of the city’s most famous political dynasty, hopes that his case will be the latest in a series of cases in which the justices push back against what a majority of the court … Read the rest

“The effect of incarceration on political beliefs for vulnerable populations”

The title of this post is the title of this new paper authored by Hope Martinez and first published earlier this month by Social Science Quarterly. Here is its abstract:


This article examines whether incarceration influences a change in political beliefs for those incarcerated and the extent to which it affects more vulnerable groups, including women and people of color.


I use a series of logit models to analyze responses to the Marshall Project’s 2020 prison survey.

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