Attention! Important new decision on accrual of paid leave in France

French Law

French law has traditionally provided that absences due to non-occupational illness are not taken into account when determining the amount of paid leave accrued, as they do not constitute a period of actual work. Periods of absence due to an occupational accident or illness lasting more than one uninterrupted year are not taken into account either. In broad terms, you do not accrue holiday while off sick unless it is work-related, and even then, for one year only. Where paid … Read the rest

A Letter From A Concerned NCL Crew Member on the Norwegian Sky in Dry Dock in Brest, France

From time to time, I receive letters and emails from crew members on cruise ships around the world. I typically don’t publish them. But after communicating back and forth with this ship employee, I promised to bring awareness to her situation and that of other employees on the ship. The crew member sent me photos of typical plates of food served to crew members in quarantine. But she was afraid to take a photo of her interior cabin out of … Read the rest