Kentucky man says police violated Fourth Amendment by searching his backpack during arrest

Kentucky man says police violated Fourth Amendment by searching his backpack during arrest


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

The Fourth Amendment generally bars police from searching people or their property without a warrant. The Supreme Court has made an exception for searches made during an arrest. But although that exception applies to arrestees themselves, it only extends to their nearby possessions if there is a risk they can … Read the rest

What to do with all those leftovers this Fourth of July

Having too much food is part of hosting a party or family get-together. With a holiday like the Fourth of July, there’s going to be a lot of leftovers, and that means that most hosts have to figure out how to store them all. 

So what do we do with all these leftovers? And what is still safe to eat?

Follow these guidelines for answers to your leftover questions:

  • Two-hour rule: Al perishable items should be refrigerated within two hours
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