Acting Comptroller of the Currency Hints About Possible Operational Resilience Regulations

On March 12, at the Institute of International Bankers Annual Washington Conference, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu discussed the importance of operational resilience in the banking sector and hinted that potential regulations aimed to promote the same may be forthcoming.

Comptroller Hsu defined operational resilience as a bank’s ability “to prepare for, adapt to, and withstand or recover from disruptions.” These disruptions can stem from external events like natural disasters, bad actors, pandemics, or global conflicts, or … Read the rest

Judicial Branch Updates FY 2024 Funding Request, But Remains Concerned About Budget Shortfall

The Judicial Branch updated its FY 2024 funding request to Congress by nearly $ 184 million as part of the regular budget process. But it continued to voice concerns about proposed appropriation levels that are too low to preserve federal courts’ ability “to administer justice effectively and efficiently.” 
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest

Don’t forget about those leftovers!

Whether putting together new toys, building snowmen or watching your favorite holiday movie, there are dozens of things that can distract from the kitchen after the big meal has been served. But if not dealt with carefully, all that extra food can go to waste, or worse, cause foodborne illnesses.

Food needs to be stored properly so it can be enjoyed for a couple more days. 

To ensure that your holiday spread remains safe to eat, follow these guidelines:

  • Two-hour
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Warnings about honey with ingredients that are not disclosed, including ED drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday issued warning letters to four companies for illegally selling honey-based products that may pose a significant health risk to consumers.

The FDA’s laboratory testing found that product samples contained active drug ingredients not listed on the product labels, including the active drug ingredients found in Cialis (tadalafil) and Viagra (sildenafil), which are FDA approved prescription drugs used to treat men with erectile dysfunction (ED).

Sildenafil and tadalafil are restricted to use under … Read the rest

A 27-year solitary confinement and a dispute about discharging settlement payments in bankruptcy

A 27-year solitary confinement and a dispute about discharging settlement payments in bankruptcy


This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, whether a prisoner’s 27-year period in solitary confinement violates either the Eighth Amendment or the 14th Amendment, and whether a settlement can include a provision in which a debtor agrees that any payments are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Constitutional challenges to a 27-year solitary confinement

Dennis Wayne Hope has been in solitary confinement for 27 years since 1994. In Hope v. Harris, Hope … Read the rest

Breyer speaks about his approach to judging and the value of diverse experience

Breyer speaks about his approach to judging and the value of diverse experience


Sitting at the edge of his seat on stage at the Law Library of Congress Thursday afternoon, soon-to-be-retired Justice Stephen Breyer was exuberant and humble as ever about his work on the court. Jeffrey Minear, the counselor to Chief Justice John Roberts, spoke with Breyer about his tenure — and his books — for an annual lecture sponsored by the Supreme Court Fellows Program.

Minear began by asking about changes to the court since Breyer clerked for Justice Arthur … Read the rest