Minimum Wage Goes Up January 1, 2025

It’s the end of the year.

Which means, for the foreseeable future, employers need to be mindful of the automatic increase to the state’s minimum wage which goes into effect on January 1, 2025.

Currently, the rate is $ 15.69. However, it goes up to $ 16.35 on Wednesday.


Connecticut’s minimum wage law, which connects the state minimum wage to changes in the federal employment cost index (ECI), was originally passed in 2019 when inflation wasn’t of major concern.… Read the rest

Changes to BCEA Earnings Threshold and to National Minimum Wage Act from 1 March 2023

The Minister of Labour has determined that from 1 March 2023, the earnings threshold under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 increased from R224 080.48 per annum (approximately R18 673.37 per month) to R241 110.59 per annum (approximately R20 092.55 per month).

The national minimum wage increased from R23.19 per hour to R25.42 for each ordinary hour worked.

“Earnings” is defined in the BCEA as the regular annual remuneration before deductions i.e. income tax, pension, medical aid and similar … Read the rest