I have blogged about this many new years in the past and, here I am again, reminding you. Yes, I have my living trust in place but DO YOU? To me it seems very normal for people to say “I will get a living trust as part of my new years resolution!” The problem, like with many new year’s resolutions, is they don’t do it. Or maybe they meet with the estate planning attorney but don’t finish it. If you … Read the rest
The following article was first published in the Mint newspaper on 17th January, 2023. The same was written by our Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, who frequently publish their comments and opinions in the Mint. The online version of the article can be found here.
‘Should I write a will or form a trust to distribute my assets?’, mentioned setting up a trust with a daughter as trustee and adding one more person as trustee and beneficiary. As far … Read the rest