FSA voices concern about lack of local authority resources for food safety

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has expressed concern about the ability of local authorities to meet inspection targets and the impact this could have on standards.

Comments were made in written evidence submitted as part of an inquiry looking at whether the local government finance system in England is fit for purpose.

The FSA said it is concerned that local food teams do not have sustainable funding to deliver official controls in line with what the current regulatory regime requires. … Read the rest

Nonprofit Resources of the Week – 6/2/24

Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Resources of the Week.

Notable Nonprofit Posts, Articles, & Other Resources:

A New Chapter in BoardSource’s Evolution: A Shift Towards Community (Monika Kalra Varma, BoardSource) [Ed. Disclosure: I’m a board member of BoardSource and very grateful and impressed with the entire team for developing and adopting this new theory of change and shift towards community engagement.]

New Bills Raise Concerns for Philanthropy … Read the rest

Some Resources & Updates Relating to Genetic Testing for Paternity

We have written a couple of times about the 23&Me phenomenon and the chance that those who enter this unknown world come back not just surprised but possibly creeped out by their quest for ancestral knowledge. USA Today published on this recently and cited a 2022 study by Baylor University of 23,000 people who “took the test” related to their parentage. That study was published in the American Journal of Human Genetics in 2022. It found that 3% learned that … Read the rest

Federal Courts Offer Law Day Resources on Civility and Decision-Making

Civility in the law and in life is the focus of the Judiciary’s 2023 Law Day resources for teachers, judges, and the legal community. Courtroom and classroom activities that give students real-life experience with civil discourse and solid decision-making skills are at the heart of the Judiciary’s national initiative Civil Discourse and Difficult Decisions.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest