Treasury is consulting on a proposed new competition regime to apply to digital platforms

New competition framework for digital platforms

6 min read

The Federal Government has released a proposal paper for consultation on the framework for a new digital competition regime, which aims to promote competition by addressing anti-competitive conduct, unfair treatment of business users and barriers to entry and expansion that prevent effective competition in digital platform markets.

The regime outlined in the proposal is broadly similar to the framework recommended by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in … Read the rest

Updated FCA webpage on ‘Cryptoasset AML/CTF regime: feedback on good and poor-quality applications’

On 6 October 2023, the FCA updated its webpage ‘Cryptoasset AML/CTF regime: feedback on good and poor quality applications’ by generally updating the page and adding registration statistics. The FCA has been the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing supervisor of UK cryptoasset businesses since 10 January 2020. In the last 12 months it has determined 79 applications. Five of these applications have been registered. The remainder have either been rejected, withdrawn, or refused.

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Landlords challenge New York’s longstanding rent-stabilization regime

Landlords challenge New York’s longstanding rent-stabilization regime


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Rents in New York City are among the highest in the country and rising. According to a report from brokerage firm Douglas Elliman, median rents in Manhattan reached a record high in May of $ 4,395 per month. Meanwhile, only a handful of residential units in the city are rent-controlled, … Read the rest