A total of 16 employees have received the 2024 Director’s Awards, which recognize employees who have exemplified the core values, issues, strategies, and goals of the Judiciary.
Judiciary News – United States Courts… Read the rest
A total of 19 employees have received the 2023 Director’s Awards, which recognize employees who have exemplified the core values, issues, strategies, and goals of the Judiciary.
Judiciary News – United States Courts… Read the rest
Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday afternoon granted, at least for now, a request by Yeshiva University to block a New York state court ruling that directed the university to approve an official “Pride Alliance” student club. The university, which has four campuses in New York City, had argued that complying with the state court’s ruling would violate its religious beliefs.
Yeshiva’s request went to Sotomayor because she is initially responsible for emergency appeals from the geographic region that includes … Read the rest