Oh Dear!  Does Whitetail Spell the End of Reactive Power Rates for DERs in PJM?

PJM has long permitted generators to collect revenues for the provision of reactive power and voltage support (reactive power) under Schedule 2 of the PJM Tariff. Innumerable generating facilities have availed themselves of this opportunity. Nearly every such reactive revenue requirement case has settled. Although the vast majority of PJM transmission owners (TOs), whose ratepayers pay the majority of the reactive power rates, have divested their generation, few Transmission Owners (TOs), and fewer state commissions/consumer advocates representing such retail ratepayers, … Read the rest

A Model for Criminal Justice Reform: How New York City Lowered its Jail Population and Crime Rates

The Congressional Judiciary Committee last month held a four-hour hearing, “Victims of Violent Crime in Manhattan” to understand better why New York City’s crime rates were “out of control” and what was wrong with its criminal justice system. Putting aside how the hearing spent some time specifically on any possible role Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg played in New York City’s crime rates, the hearing itself was not a bad idea. The problem was the Committee held its hearings about Read the rest

Don’t Expect Louisiana Incarceration Rates to Drop: Study

Louisiana had the highest per capita incarceration rates for prisons and jails in the United States in 2020, bogged down by long sentences and other related issues, according to a Public Welfare Foundation study.

No southern state has a higher percentage of people serving natural life without the possibility of parole than Louisiana, the study finds. In Louisiana, 16.6 percent of incarcerated individuals are serving life without parole. 

According to the study, the state’s aging prison population has also more Read the rest