Dementia Prevention: Tips From. Current Research to Love Your Brain

People used to fear a diagnosis of cancer above all. That has been replaced by fear of a diagnosis of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. Most people know someone who has it or did in the past. There is good reason to be afraid. It’s a difficult, expensive and sometimes very long journey with this disease. Furthermore, it can create a hellish existence for those taking care of their demented loved ones. Their behavior can be difficult, unpredictable and extremely unmanageable … Read the rest

CBP to Issue Warning Letters to Certain Importers in Advance of Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Implementation

In December 2021, President Biden signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) into law. The UFLPA creates a rebuttable presumption that goods “mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part” in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (“XUAR”) of China, or by certain other entities in China, are made with forced labor and that such goods, wares, articles, and merchandise are not entitled to entry to the United States.[1] The presumption applies unless the Commissioner of … Read the rest