Investment in Transmission Infrastructure for Future Offshore Wind Developments

Given the ambitious targets for offshore wind in support of the UK’s net zero ambitions, it is recognised that the existing grid connection infrastructure may be inadequate and that it is likely that provision needs to be made for more co-ordinated grid connections that incorporate the additional capability required to connect future offshore generation projects.

The costs and investment required to support the later connection of future offshore development(s) is referred to as “Anticipatory Investment”. The UK’s Office of Gas … Read the rest

(UK) What are the Key Takeaways for future Restructuring Plans following the GAS sanction hearing?

What can we say about the outcome of the GAS (Great Annual Savings Company Limited) sanction hearing that hasn’t already been reported?

It’s impossible not to comment on the fact that the plan was not sanctioned, and as a consequence of fierce opposition from HMRC that it avoided cram down.  Nor that the court refused to sanction the plan on the basis that the conditions for cram down were not met – the court was not satisfied that HMRC would … Read the rest

NARB Recommends Better Distinction Between Current Achievements and Future Goals

Last year, we wrote about a challenge that NAD had initiated against various green claims made by the American Beverage Association (or “ABA”). NAD found that several of ABA’s claims – including claims that “our bottles are made to be remade” and “we’re carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable” – were substantiated, but had concerns with others. ABA appealed the decision. Last week, NARB issued its own decision, siding with NAD. Here are some highlights.

Although NAD determined … Read the rest