Marler Clark files multiple Grimmway Carrot E. coli Lawsuits – more coming

As of November 17, 2024, 39 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli have been reported from 18 states according to the CDC: Wyoming 1, Washington 8, Virginia 1, Texas 1, South Carolina 2, Pennsylvania 1, Oregon 3, Ohio 1, North Carolina 1, New York 5, New Jersey 2, Missouri 1, Minnesota 5, Michigan 1, Massachusetts 1, Colorado 1, California 3 and Arkansas 1. Illnesses started on dates ranging from September 6, 2024 to October 28, 2024. Of … Read the rest

Former Ukrainian prime minister files appeal in two-decade saga over laundered funds

Former Ukrainian prime minister files appeal in two-decade saga over laundered funds


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, has been much in the news for his visit to Washington, D.C., urging greater cooperation with the United States in response to the Russian invasion. But Zelenskyy is not the only Ukrainian leader making an appeal in the U.S. capital. This week, we highlight … Read the rest