SALT trivia – February 21, 2024

Calling all trivia fans! Don’t miss out on a chance to show off your SALT knowledge!

We will award prizes for the smartest (and fastest) participants.

This week’s question: Which state’s House recently proposed a bill that would limit property taxes on machinery used to manufacture critical materials?

E-mail your response to

The prize for the first response to today’s question is a $ 25 UBER Eats gift card. This week’s answer will be included in our SALT Shaker Weekly … Read the rest

COURT OF APPEAL SUMMARIES (January 29 – February 5)

Jump To: Table of Contents | Civil Decisions | Short Civil Decisions

Good evening.

Following are our summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of January 29, 2024.

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Congratulations to Blaneys’ own Anthony Gatensby and Kathleen Lefebvre who were successful in responding to an appeal about whether a commercial landlord’s insurer was permitted to bring a subrogated claim against its tenant for negligence in causing a fire. The Court affirmed

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The morning read for Thursday, February 1

The morning read for Thursday, February 1


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Thursday morning read:

  • Colorado secretary of state urges Supreme Court to keep Trump off the ballot (Lawrence Hurley, NBC News)
  • Challenge to attorney bias rule heads to US Supreme Court (David Thomas, Reuters) 
  • Trump’s critics hope that Antonin Scalia can sway the Supreme Court in 14th Amendment fight (John Fritze, CNN)
  • Greg Abbott Poised to Triumph in
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Jump To: Table of Contents | Civil Decisions | Short Civil Decisions

Good afternoon.

Following are this week’s summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario for the week of February 28, 2022.

In Gefen Estate v. Gefen, an estates case, the Court reiterated that while the quality of evidence may vary depending on a claim, the civil standard of proof will always remain the same: proof on a balance of probabilities. The issues canvassed … Read the rest