Another gun case waits in the wings

Another gun case waits in the wings


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

On Thursday, the court issued its first major ruling on the Second Amendment in over a decade, striking down a New York gun regulation and holding that the right to bear arms extends outside the home. Fourteen years earlier, the court’s modern jurisprudence on guns began with the decision in … Read the rest

In the case of the praying football coach, both sides invoke religious freedom

In the case of the praying football coach, both sides invoke religious freedom


Joseph Kennedy had never coached football when Bremerton High School, a public school near Seattle, Washington, hired him in 2008. He was too small to play in high school, and his football experience was limited to playing for two years while he was in Hawaii serving in the Marines.

Kennedy describes the school district’s decision to hire him to coach the school’s junior varsity team and to serve as an assistant for the varsity team as a “fluke”: His … Read the rest

Clerk’s Office Earns Award for Cutting Case Processing Time in Half

Case filings are being processed more efficiently than ever in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, thanks to several procedural improvements made by the Clerk’s Office. The court’s administrative arm effectively cut the case processing time for submitted documents and filings in half, while also increasing the accuracy of how documents are submitted to the court to as high as 95 percent, up 13 percent since the improvements were made.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest