Jerry Kolander receives Justice G. Denton Distinguished Lawyer Award

By Terry Greenberg

When Jerry Kolander grew up in Amarillo, he had a friend named Tommy Denton. They played sports together through junior high and at Tascosa High School. Denton went to Baylor University on a football scholarship and Kolander went to Texas Tech University to play baseball.

Denton became an opinion-page writer and opinion editor for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Kolander graduated from Tech’s School of Law and joined the McCleskey Law Firm, now McCleskey Harriger Brazill & Graf, … Read the rest

Officers question award of post-mortem damages under Section 1983

Officers question award of post-mortem damages under Section 1983


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

When a person is killed, the damages that their descendants or families can receive vary from state to state. Only five states allow for “hedonic” damages, or money to account for the deceased’s loss of enjoyment of future life. This week, we highlight cert petitions that ask the court to … Read the rest

Clerk’s Office Earns Award for Cutting Case Processing Time in Half

Case filings are being processed more efficiently than ever in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, thanks to several procedural improvements made by the Clerk’s Office. The court’s administrative arm effectively cut the case processing time for submitted documents and filings in half, while also increasing the accuracy of how documents are submitted to the court to as high as 95 percent, up 13 percent since the improvements were made.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest

Minimal Award for Motorcyclist’s Pain and Suffering Increased

On August 26, 2016, Vincent Madia was injured in a collision between his motorcycle and a taxi at the intersection of Fish and Waring Avenues in the Bronx.

In the ensuing trial, the jury awarded pain and suffering damages in the sum of $ 5,000 (past only – three years). In her post-trial decision on plaintiff’s motion to increase the award, the trial judge determined that $ 250,000 for past pain and suffering is reasonable. The judge did not … Read the rest