Dark chocolate and red dye can be a problem in some Valentine’s Day treats

With Valentine’s Day on its way, thoughts are turning to love . . . and chocolate.

For many, dark chocolate is the chocolate of choice, and those who prefer dark chocolate will quickly tell you it’s healthier than milk chocolate. Why? Because studies suggest that its rich supply of antioxidants may improve heart health and other conditions. That and its relatively low levels of sugar.

Even the USDA gets into the act, saying that a typical 1-ounce serving size of … Read the rest

Justices asked to weigh in again on “mixed” questions in immigration appeals

Justices asked to weigh in again on “mixed” questions in immigration appeals


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

When a noncitizen receives a final deportation order from immigration officials, they can appeal their case to federal court – but only under narrow circumstances. This week, we highlight cert petitions that ask the court to consider, among other things, whether courts can review a claim that a person’s deportation … Read the rest

The morning read for Wednesday, Feb. 8

The morning read for Wednesday, Feb. 8


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Wednesday morning read:

  • Biden administration tells Supreme Court Title 42 will end when Covid-19 public health emergency expires (Priscilla Alvarez & Ariane de Vogue, CNN)
  • Roberts Court Jurisprudence: What Was and What Will Come (Adam Feldman, Empirical SCOTUS)
  • American Bar Association Urges Ethics Code for US Supreme Court (Lydia Wheeler, Bloomberg News)
  • In wake of Supreme Court Second Amendment
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Guest Blog: FDA issues Food Traceability Final Rule: key takeaways for the industry

Written by: Sharon MaylMatthew Piscitelli

On November 15, FDA issued the long-awaited Final Rule: Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods (Food Traceability Rule or final rule), which establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for those that manufacture, process, pack or hold certain foods.

More specifically, the final rule identifies Key Activities or Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) along the supply chain where records containing Key Data Elements (KDEs) will have to be created and maintained for foods on the Food Traceability List … Read the rest

The morning read for Monday, Feb. 6

The morning read for Monday, Feb. 6


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Monday morning read:

  • The Road to a Supreme Court Clerkship Starts at Three Ivy League Colleges (Adam Liptak, The New York Times)
  • Supreme Court justices used personal emails for work and ‘burn bags’ were left open in hallways, source says (Ariane de Vogue, CNN)
  • Unfortunately, the Biggest Election Case of the Supreme Court Term Could Be Moot (Richard
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Dementia Prevention: Tips From. Current Research to Love Your Brain

People used to fear a diagnosis of cancer above all. That has been replaced by fear of a diagnosis of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. Most people know someone who has it or did in the past. There is good reason to be afraid. It’s a difficult, expensive and sometimes very long journey with this disease. Furthermore, it can create a hellish existence for those taking care of their demented loved ones. Their behavior can be difficult, unpredictable and extremely unmanageable … Read the rest