Memorial Day is a time to remember those veterans who gave all they had to give for us. I always think of 1SGT Saenz at times like this. Some 100 of us IRR members met at Ft. Jackson on March 13, 2005. We reported to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina for in-processing and reintroduction to the US Army. We knew we would be deploying to Iraq. Then MSGT Carlos Saenz had a huge laugh and a booming voice. He laughed a … Read the rest
In 2016, a Minnesota county sold 94-year-old Geraldine Tyler’s condo at auction after she failed to pay her property taxes for several years. The sale yielded $ 40,000; Hennepin County kept not only the $ 15,000 in taxes, penalties, and costs that Tyler owed it, but also the $ 25,000 that was left over. The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the county’s actions violated the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause, which bars the government from taking private property for … Read the rest
Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Tuesday morning read:
- US Supreme Court’s Andy Warhol decision keeps ‘fair use’ questions alive (Blake Brittain, Reuters)
- Top Court’s Pork-Producer Ruling Could Affect Abortion-Pill Suit (Mary Anne Pazanowski, Bloomberg Law)
- What It’s Like After the Supreme Court Rules Your Child’s Death Doesn’t Count (Shirin Ali, Slate)
- DeSantis envisions shaping ‘7-2 conservative majority’ on Supreme Court (Hannah Knowles, The
The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.
Laws governing elections and the right to participate in the political process receive varying degrees of scrutiny when challenged in court. The Supreme Court has held that election laws restricting “core political speech” trigger a high degree of suspicion under the First Amendment. By comparison, laws that simply regulate the … Read the rest
Trying to find new paths for your organization? Nice explanation from Dennis Kennedy on the use of assumption mapping to sort and prioritize possible innovations.
The courtroom is full Thursday morning as everyone seems to have gotten used to the switch from Monday opinion days. The bar section is filled with quite a few lawyers who will be sworn in to the Supreme Court Bar after the day’s opinions, including the California Lawyers Association Taxation Section with an especially well-timed visit.
Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar leads a contingent from her office, including Deputy Solicitors General Brian Fletcher and Malcolm Stewart. Georgetown University Law Center
What can we say about the outcome of the GAS (Great Annual Savings Company Limited) sanction hearing that hasn’t already been reported?
It’s impossible not to comment on the fact that the plan was not sanctioned, and as a consequence of fierce opposition from HMRC that it avoided cram down. Nor that the court refused to sanction the plan on the basis that the conditions for cram down were not met – the court was not satisfied that HMRC would … Read the rest
On Thursday, May 18, we will be live blogging as the court releases opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.
Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.
The post Announcement of opinions for Thursday, May 18 appeared first on SCOTUSblog.