Federation of Brazilian Banks tackle illegal deforestation in the beef supply chain

The Federation of Brazilian Banks (“FEBRABAN“) has recently approved Regulation No. 026/2023, setting forth guidelines and procedures for Brazilian banks when financing the beef industry, particularly slaughterhouses. Pursuant to the new self-regulation, as of 2025 financing should only be available to slaughterhouses that put into place a due diligence system for tracing and monitoring the activities of direct and indirect suppliers, certifying that no illegal deforestation has occurred in its supply chain. The self-regulation only applies to slaughterhouses … Read the rest

The morning read for Friday, June 2

The morning read for Friday, June 2


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read:

  • Supreme Court Backs Employer in Suit Over Strike Losses (Noam Scheiber, The New York Times) 
  • U.S. Supreme Court gives boost to whistleblowers in drug pricing case (John Kruzel, Reuters)
  • Jackson defends “the right to strike” in her first big dissent (Chris Geidner, Law Dork)
  • There’s Unsettling New Evidence About William Rehnquist’s Views on Segregation
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Supreme Court rules against union over strike liability

Supreme Court rules against union over strike liability


In an 8-1 opinion on Thursday, the justices provided a new definition to the limits on the right to strike under federal labor law. At issue in Glacier Northwest v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local Union 174was whether an employer could sue its employees’ union under state law for damage the employer incurred as a result of the union’s strike. The case produced a surprisingly broad majority agreeing that the strike at issue was not even arguably protected … Read the rest

Upcoming webinar: Asia-Pacific reductions in force – ten things to look out for

Global reductions in force (RIFs) continue to be a hot topic on multinational employers’ minds in 2023. In February, Seyfarth’s specialist International Employment Law team covered the top ten things to look out for when doing RIFs in Europe. Next up in our series, our team of experts will tackle the Asia Pacific region, where we find a wide range of risk and difficulty involved, depending on the country.

The webinar will address the key practical issues employers should keep … Read the rest

Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 1

Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 1


On Thursday, June 1, we will be live blogging as the court releases opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.


The post Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 1 appeared first on SCOTUSblog.

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Madras High Court takes taxpayer to task for mischief with costs

Income Tax Act

In the case of Manas Vs. Income Tax Officer[1], the Hon’ble Madras High Court (“HC”) took serious objection to the taxpayer’s attempt at misleading the Court. The taxpayer had filed a writ petition seeking quashing of the reassessment proceedings and satisfaction order passed under Section 148A of Income Tax Act, 1961 (“IT Act”).

Oddly enough, the taxpayer’s argument was centered on the claim that the notice of the satisfaction order did not reach the … Read the rest

The morning read for Friday, May 26

The morning read for Friday, May 26


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. Here’s the Friday morning read:

  • Supreme Court Sharply Limits the EPA’s Ability to Protect Wetlands (Emma Ricketts, Inside Climate News)
  • How Supreme Court’s EPA ruling will affect U.S. wetlands, clean water (Timothy Puko & Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)
  • How Warhol Turned the Supreme Court Justices Into Art Critics (Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker)
  • In Capitols and Courthouses, No
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Israeli citizen challenges U.S. wire-fraud conviction for foreign financial scheme

Israeli citizen challenges U.S. wire-fraud conviction for foreign financial scheme


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

The Supreme Court has issued a number of decisions in recent years limiting the reach of the federal wire-fraud statute, which outlaws the use of “the wires” – including internet and phone lines – to commit fraud. This week, we highlight cert petitions that ask the court to consider, among … Read the rest