Climate change and immigration policies headline February argument calendar

Climate change and immigration policies headline February argument calendar


In an argument calendar released on Friday afternoon, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments in seven cases over five days. The justices will tackle a wide range of issues, from the Environmental Protection Authority’s power to regulate greenhouse gases to an effort by a group of states to defend a controversial Trump-era immigration policy known as the “public charge” rule after the Biden administration declined to do so.

The justices will hear oral argument on … Read the rest

On Bill of Rights Day, Mary Beth Tinker Encourages Students to ‘Speak up’

To mark the anniversary of the Bill of Rights, on Dec. 15, Vietnam War protester Mary Beth Tinker Tinker will participate virtually in a ceremony prior to installing the armband in its temporary home in the Judicial Learning Center at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse in St. Louis. 
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest

Justices will take up cases on arbitration, locomotives, and Congress’ war powers 

Justices will take up cases on arbitration, locomotives, and Congress’ war powers 


The Supreme Court on Wednesday morning granted three more cases from the justices’ private conference last week. The announcement that the justices will take on issues relating to arbitration, trains, and congressional power followed two other sets of orders from the Dec. 10 conference, but the decision to grant a second tranche of petitions from that conference followed similar moves in late 2020 and 2019, allowing the justices to add more cases to their docket for the second half … Read the rest

Upcoming CLE Hosted by Thompson Reuters:  Why Is Everything Broken? Understanding Pandemic Supply Chains

Partner Sarah Rathke is pleased to present an upcoming year-end CLE in connection with Thompson Reuters entitled, “Why Is Everything Broken? Understanding Pandemic Supply Chains” on December 20, 2021 at 2:00 pm ET.  This CLE will discuss areas causing stress to supply chains including changes in consumption patterns, the labor market, global diplomatic relationships, and logistics networks around the world.  In addition, this CLE will discuss emerging supply chain trends.

Click here to register.

LexBlogRead the rest

Court rejects religious challenge to New York’s vaccine mandate for health care workers

Court rejects religious challenge to New York’s vaccine mandate for health care workers


The Supreme Court on Monday turned down two requests to block New York’s vaccine mandate for health care workers. Two groups of health care workers are challenging the mandate, arguing that it violates their constitutional right to freely exercise their religion. But over the public dissents of three conservative justices, the court denied the workers’ requests to put the mandate on hold while litigation continues.

The dispute centers on a regulation issued by New York’s state health department that … Read the rest

Justices agree to take up new cases on arbitration issues and international child custody

Justices agree to take up new cases on arbitration issues and international child custody


The Supreme Court on Friday added three new cases to its docket for the 2021-22 term. After the court’s rulings in a pair of cases challenging a Texas law that bans almost all abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy on Friday morning, the new grants on Friday afternoon had a decidedly lower profile. The justices agreed to take up issues ranging from international child custody to discovery in private arbitration and the scope of the Federal Arbitration Act.… Read the rest

USDA investigates new outbreak of E. coli infections; focus on ground beef

Federal officials have opened an investigation into an outbreak of E. Coli O157:H7 infections suspected to be linked to ground beef.

Other than the fact there is an open investigation, no other published information is available from the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The FSIS has not indicated what producers or what brands of ground beef might be involved. The agency also has not revealed how many people have been infected or what states are involved.

The FSIS … Read the rest