The morning read for Tuesday, Sept. 13

The morning read for Tuesday, Sept. 13


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at

Here’s the Tuesday morning read:

  • Analysis: Supreme Court justices respond to public criticism with distance and denial (Joan Biskupic, CNN)
  • Trump banned bump stocks after deadly Las Vegas shooting. Now the issue is in the Supreme Court’s hands (John Fritze, USA Today)
  • Bakery Owners Ask Supreme Court
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Consumer groups encourage USDA secretary to continue efforts to make chicken products safer

Several groups, including Consumer Reports and STOP Foodborne Illness, have written to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack in support of increased food safety efforts regarding Salmonella in poultry.

The groups describe current regulations as “antiquated” and encourage the secretary to move forward to develop new and enforceable standards that are product based. They say such changes are “a commonsense approach” and will help protect consumers from dangerous Salmonella-contaminated poultry.

“These reforms are urgently needed. Salmonella illness rates in the United States … Read the rest

Pressure rises to reconsider decades-old ruling on religion at work

Pressure rises to reconsider decades-old ruling on religion at work


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

In the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Congress strengthened the religious protections in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by requiring employers to accommodate all aspects of their employees’ religious beliefs and practices, unless doing so would impose “undue hardship” on the business. Five years later, the court … Read the rest

Federal Judges Support Civics Education Through Summer Teachers Institutes

At court-sponsored institutes across the country, classroom teachers are hearing first-person experiences on topics ranging from judges’ perspectives on judicial independence in their decision-making, to lawyers’ insights into Constitutional tensions between the First Amendment and national security concerns.
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest

Funding urged for fatal allergy recording system

Groups have called for a system that monitors fatal allergic reactions in the United Kingdom to receive continued support.

The British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is leading the request for additional funding for the UK Fatal Anaphylaxis Registry (UKFAR). Anaphylaxis is a serious, and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

In 2020, BSACI and Manchester Foundation Trust received a one-off grant of £100,000 ($ 116,000) from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to support the Fatal Anaphylaxis Registry. 

Fiona Rayner, BSACI … Read the rest

Yeshiva University won’t be forced to recognize LGBTQ club for now

Yeshiva University won’t be forced to recognize LGBTQ club for now


Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday afternoon granted, at least for now, a request by Yeshiva University to block a New York state court ruling that directed the university to approve an official “Pride Alliance” student club. The university, which has four campuses in New York City, had argued that complying with the state court’s ruling would violate its religious beliefs.

Yeshiva’s request went to Sotomayor because she is initially responsible for emergency appeals from the geographic region that includes … Read the rest

The morning read for Wednesday, Sept. 7

The morning read for Wednesday, Sept. 7


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at

Here’s the Wednesday morning read:

  • Oyez! Oyez! Let the public hear the Supreme Court’s arguments and opinions in real time. (Editorial, The Boston Globe)
  • The New Supreme Court Case That Could Make Civil Rights Laws Optional (Yvette Borja, Balls and Strikes)
  • Is a Fetus a Person? The
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