Plaintiffs’ “Misleading Marketing and Labeling” Claims Thrown Out in N.D. Ill. Popcorn Case

Today’s case is not about drugs or medical devices.  It is about popcorn, a perfect prompt (or as good as ours ever get) for a rant about movies.  We are working our way through the Oscar nominees, in anticipation of the upcoming Academy Awards.  (Pre-apocalypse, we hosted an annual Oscar party, featuring good food, good wine, and just enough wagering – and cheating – for a bit of hostility.)   As we watch this year’s slate, we long for the days … Read the rest

The Rise of ESG and What HR Professionals in Germany Should Do to Keep Up

Both the financial sector and the real economy are faced with increased regulatory requirements and expectations of various stakeholders to meet ESG criteria, which are a benchmark for sustainability and sustainable investments. A high ESG rating not only promotes corporate policy, but also serves the profit interest of investors.

Currently, in the EU only capital market-oriented companies with an average of more than 500 employees and financial institutions/insurance companies are required to report. In the future, the limit is to … Read the rest

Dark chocolate and red dye can be a problem in some Valentine’s Day treats

With Valentine’s Day on its way, thoughts are turning to love . . . and chocolate.

For many, dark chocolate is the chocolate of choice, and those who prefer dark chocolate will quickly tell you it’s healthier than milk chocolate. Why? Because studies suggest that its rich supply of antioxidants may improve heart health and other conditions. That and its relatively low levels of sugar.

Even the USDA gets into the act, saying that a typical 1-ounce serving size of … Read the rest

Guest Blog: FDA issues Food Traceability Final Rule: key takeaways for the industry

Written by: Sharon MaylMatthew Piscitelli

On November 15, FDA issued the long-awaited Final Rule: Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods (Food Traceability Rule or final rule), which establishes additional traceability recordkeeping requirements for those that manufacture, process, pack or hold certain foods.

More specifically, the final rule identifies Key Activities or Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) along the supply chain where records containing Key Data Elements (KDEs) will have to be created and maintained for foods on the Food Traceability List … Read the rest

Dementia Prevention: Tips From. Current Research to Love Your Brain

People used to fear a diagnosis of cancer above all. That has been replaced by fear of a diagnosis of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. Most people know someone who has it or did in the past. There is good reason to be afraid. It’s a difficult, expensive and sometimes very long journey with this disease. Furthermore, it can create a hellish existence for those taking care of their demented loved ones. Their behavior can be difficult, unpredictable and extremely unmanageable … Read the rest

2023 Insurance Law Practice Overview of China


Over the past decade, China’s insurance industry has grown rapidly and held the second-largest premium market share worldwide for many years, contributing steadily to the global insurance market. In 2022, despite the repeated impact of the pandemic and the turbulent capital markets, China’s insurance industry has been put to the test and has seen new developments with the introduction of various favorable policies, such as the start of pension insurance and green insurance and the continued “popularity” of D&O … Read the rest

South Korea’s FSS Introduces New ESG Rating Guidelines to Enhance Transparency

On January 15, 2023, South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service (“FSS”) issued new guidelines (the “Guidelines”) (Korean language only) to enhance transparency on the methods and procedures used by credit rating agencies to perform ESG bond certification evaluations. In announcing the Guidelines, the FSS noted that, prior to their introduction, there were no specific rules or regulations in South Korea covering the ESG certification process. The FSS also indicated that currently it is difficult to compare ESG … Read the rest

Citing prior “attempt to flee the country,” feds urging that Elizabeth Holmes start her prison sentence in April

If producers are thinking about developing Season 2 of The Dropout, a legal filing today by federal prosecutors provide some dramatic materials.  This CNN article, headlined “Elizabeth Holmes made an ‘attempt to flee the country’ after her conviction, prosecutors say,” provides these details:

Elizabeth Holmes made an “attempt to flee the country” by booking a one-way ticket to Mexico departing in January 2022, shortly after the Theranos founder was convicted of fraud, prosecutors alleged in a new court filing

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