Common sense briefly prevails in UK’s “taking back control of our laws” debate


Things have surely come to a pretty pass when it is front page news twice in two weeks that the Government has decided not to press on with doing something daft.  First, the abandonment of smart motorways and last week, reports that the Government has backed away from its original proposal to wipe all EU-sourced regulations from the statute book at the end of this year. More predictable is the number of MPs who are nonetheless recorded as being variously … Read the rest

Staffing Companies and Their Clients: A Possible Disaster Brewing Because Of Independent Contractor Misclassification

I have many clients that use staffing/temporary agencies for securing personnel.  The danger lurking in these relationships is that the two entities (staffing company and client) may be found to be a joint employer.  Another danger, an offshoot of the joint employer problem, is that if the staffing agencies classify, or rather, misclassify, those workers as “independent contractors” when they send them to the clients, there may well be liability for the client company.  The USDOL is now onto this … Read the rest

EU Pharma Legislation Review Series: National MA Procedures Including the Mutual Recognition Procedure and Decentralized Procedure

The European Commission (the “Commission”) wants to “avoid unnecessary administrative and financial burdens for applicants and competent authorities.”  As such, the Commission’s proposal for a revised Directive on the Union Code Relating to Medicinal Products for Human Use (the “Directive”) retains the Decentralized Procedure (“DCP”) and Mutual Recognition Procedure (“MRP”).  Chapter III of the Directive sets out the new procedures for national marketing authorizations (“MAs”).  This includes a purely national MA procedure granted in a single Member State … Read the rest

Biden Declares May As Jewish American Heritage Month

Yesterday President Biden issued a Proclamation (full text) declaring May to be Jewish American Heritage Month. The Proclamation reads in part:

 Jewish Americans continue to enrich every part of American life as educators and entrepreneurs, athletes and artists, scientists and entertainers, public officials and activists, labor and community leaders, diplomats and military service members, public health heroes, and more…. 

All Americans — including business and community leaders, educators, students, athletes, entertainers, and influencers — must help confront bigotry in all

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Environmental Disclosures: CDP announces plastics to be added to Reporting Platform for first time

On April 19, 2023, the influential CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) announced that nearly 7,000 organizations worldwide can disclose their plastic-related impacts for the first time, as CDP’s global environmental disclosure platform opens for 2023 reporting. CDP is adding plastic-related reporting to its online platform in response to a request from more than 740 investors with US$ 136 trillion in assets.

Last October, CDP reported that a record of around 20,000 organizations (over 18,700 companies representing over half of global market capitalization … Read the rest

California Ruling May Sow Seeds of Cannabis Patent Precedent

This 4/20, patent owners with Intellectual Property (“IP”) related to cannabis have one more reason to celebrate as they may be able to enforce their rights against infringers in federal court. IP rights may provide an enforceable protection against copycats and competitors in the market, and may provide significant value to a company’s balance sheet. This was demonstrated when Tilray Brands, Inc. announced its intent to acquire fellow cannabis company Hexo Corp., a Canadian entity with a large patent portfolio Read the rest

Financial Ombudsman Service compensation limit increased again – by more than 10%

The Financial Conduct Authority confirmed last month that the limit for compensation that can be awarded by the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”) will be raised from £375,000 to £415,000, for complaints made after 1 April 2023 relating to acts or omissions on or after 1 April 2019 – an increase of over 10%.

A lower limit of £190,000 applies to any complaints made from 1 April 2023 relating to events that occurred prior to 1 April 2019 – again an … Read the rest

District of Utah Recognizes Product Liability “Big Three”

When this blogger thinks about the “Big Three” her mind goes to This is Us – Kevin, Kate and Randall.  Admittedly, that’s not the only “Big Three.”  Most people probably go to Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union in World War II.  But that alliance certainly was shorter than the Pearsons.  Now, if you want longevity, ABC, CBS, and NBC are referred to as the Big Three in traditional broadcast television.  Being the Big Three prior … Read the rest