European Commission adopts the European Sustainability Reporting Standards

On 31 July 2023, the European Commission adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (“ESRS“). EU and non-EU entities subject to the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD“) will be required to report against the ESRS, making the development of interest to entities preparing for reporting under the CSRD regime.


The CSRD, which entered into force on 5 January 2023, creates detailed sustainability reporting requirements and expands the number of EU and non-EU companies subject … Read the rest

Matthew Blumkin—Public Adjuster Spotlight

(Chip’s Note—This is the fourth post of a weekly feature of this blog which I am writing to obtain perceptions from experienced and leading public adjusters in the public adjusting profession.)   

Who should you learn from? There is so much misinformation and wrong information available today from people that are really good at social media advertising or just trying to get your eyes on their website, that the answer is really hard to discern—who are the true professionals Read the rest

Is there a tax-friendly method for dividing my mother’s property?

Is there a tax-friendly method for dividing my mother’s property?

The following article was first published in the Mint newspaper on 15th August, 2023. The same was written by our Private Client team at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, who frequently publish their comments and opinions in the Mint. The online version of the article can be found here.

My father, my sister and I are the sole legal heirs of my mother’s immoveable property situated in Delhi. My father wishes that the said property or realizable value thereof may be shared equally

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Fires at New York Battery Energy Storage System Facilities Ignite State Response

On July 28, 2023, in response to three separate fires at Battery Energy Storage System (“BESS”) locations in New York, Governor Kathy Hochul announced the creation of an inter-agency fire safety working group.  The Fire Safety Working Group, to be comprised of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Fire Prevention and Control, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Public Service, and the Department of … Read the rest

Asia Regulators’ Responses to the ISSB Disclosure Standards

The inaugural International Sustainability Standards Board (“ISSB“) sustainability disclosure standards, namely IFRS S1 (General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information) and IFRS S2 (Climate-related Disclosures) (the “ISSB Standards“), have received positive feedback from stakeholders across the globe since its issuance on 26 June 2023 (which we reported here). This includes endorsement by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on 25 July 2023.

The long-awaited ISSB Standards are intended to serve as a global baseline … Read the rest

Privacy World Week in Review

In case you missed it, below are recent posts from Privacy World covering the latest developments on data privacy, security and innovation. Please reach out to the authors if you are interested in additional information.

The French CNIL’s New Guidance on Whistleblowing | Privacy World

SEC Adopts Final Cybersecurity Risk Management and Incident Disclosure Regulations | Privacy World

Singapore Consults on Personal Data Guidelines for AI | Privacy World

Illinois Supreme Court Refuses to Reconsider Decision That BIPA Claims Accrue … Read the rest

To stand or not to stand – a case of legal standing

This blog was co-authored by Sebenzile Magagula, Candidate Attorney.

A claim (Joubert and Others v Louw (CIV APP RC 08/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 102 (22 June 2023)) was dismissed by the High Court on the grounds that the respondent lacked the requisite legal standing to litigate on behalf of her husband who was the party to the contract sued on.

The claimant sued for delictual damages arising from failure by the defending attorneys to institute timeous action against a construction … Read the rest

Jerry Kolander receives Justice G. Denton Distinguished Lawyer Award

By Terry Greenberg

When Jerry Kolander grew up in Amarillo, he had a friend named Tommy Denton. They played sports together through junior high and at Tascosa High School. Denton went to Baylor University on a football scholarship and Kolander went to Texas Tech University to play baseball.

Denton became an opinion-page writer and opinion editor for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Kolander graduated from Tech’s School of Law and joined the McCleskey Law Firm, now McCleskey Harriger Brazill & Graf, … Read the rest