The Geek in Review Ep. 160 – Sonja Ebron and Ed Walters Collaborate on Courtroom5 and Fastcase to Help Pro Se Litigants Access Justice

We all know that it takes some “outside of the box thinking” to help improve the legal system in the United States, especially when it comes to Pro Se litigants. Courtroom5 CEO and co-founder Sonja Ebron does exactly that with her startup focused on guiding Pro Se litigants through complex court processes. Ed Walters, CEO and co-founder of Fastcase wants the legal industry to stop trying so hard to reinforce that “box.” Together, Ebron and Walters are creating a process … Read the rest

Courts may not “make up” new procedural rules to favor arbitration

Courts may not “make up” new procedural rules to favor arbitration


In a series of decisions, the Supreme Court has insisted that the Federal Arbitration Act requires courts to put arbitration contracts on “equal footing” with other kinds of contracts. These decisions have often favored companies seeking to enforce arbitration agreements, rejecting rules that give employees or consumers a way out from contract clauses requiring them to arbitrate their disputes on an individual basis. But Monday’s unanimous decision in Morgan v. Sundance clarifies that the equal-footing rule works both ways. … Read the rest

Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, May 23

Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, May 23


On Monday, May 23, we will be live blogging as the court releases orders from the May 19 conference and opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.

The post Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, May 23 appeared first on SCOTUSblog.

SCOTUSblogRead the rest

Non-unanimous acquittals and attorney-client privilege

Non-unanimous acquittals and attorney-client privilege


This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, whether the justices’ decision to prevent non-unanimous convictions in Louisiana also prohibits Puerto Rico from authorizing non-unanimous acquittals, and whether a law firm can protect under attorney-client privilege communications for which legal advice was a significant, but not primary, purpose.

After Ramos, criminal defendant asks justices to preserve non-unanimous acquittals in Puerto Rico

In Ramos v. Louisiana, the Supreme Court ruled … Read the rest

More PTAB Arthrex Remands?

New Director to Review Hirshfeld Decisions?

Patent Owners that had the option to avail themselves of the new Director Review process under former interim Director Hirshfeld have been crying foul to the Federal Circuit. Their argument being that the Arthrex holding required a Senate confirmed Director Review, and that an interim Director (promoted from within) did not meet that criteria. Argument was heard a month or so back at the Federal Circuit on this issue.

Since that time, Senate confirmed … Read the rest

The morning read for Wednesday, May 18

The morning read for Wednesday, May 18


Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at

Here’s the Wednesday morning read:

  • The Supreme Court green-lights political corruption — again (Editorial, The Washington Post)
  • Ted Cruz, the Supreme Court and $ 10,000 (Editorial, The Wall Street Journal)
  • The Supreme Court Needs an Ethics Code (Bob Bauer, The Atlantic)
  • Samuel Alito: One Angry Man (Aziz
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