Judge Nealon of Lackawanna County Notes That Direct and Vicarious Theories May Be Pursued Against Employer For Negligence by Employee

Judge Nealon of Lackawanna County Notes That Direct and Vicarious Theories May Be Pursued Against Employer For Negligence by Employee

In the motor vehicle accident case of Shaver v. Levelle, No. 21-CV-2465 (C.P. Lacka. Co. May 26, 2022 Nealon, J.), the defendant-motorist’s employer filed preliminary objections seeking to dismiss plaintiff’s claims for negligent entrustment, hiring, and training as legally insufficient since the motorist admitted that he was an employee of the employer at the time of the accident. 

Judge Nealon reviewed the law on this issue in detail and noted that several federal district courts and at least one common
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Medical marijuana money and purses without probable cause

Medical marijuana money and purses without probable cause


The Petitions of the Week column highlights a selection of cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

Can a police officer rummage through your purse if they find you in someone else’s home that they have a warrant to search? And if your purse contains suspicious amounts of allegedly state-licensed medical marijuana, can federal authorities prosecute you for possession of a controlled substance? This week we highlight … Read the rest

Pride Month Heritage Spotlight: Judge Judith Levy

Judge Judith E. Levy considers the Stonewall rebellion in 1969 as the tipping point in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community’s quest for equality and inclusion. In recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month, a new video profile explores Levy’s experience coming out, her pursuit of a career in law, and the social change advocates who inspired her.
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Justices earned extra money from books and teaching in 2021, disclosures show

Justices earned extra money from books and teaching in 2021, disclosures show


Justice Amy Coney Barrett received $ 425,000 last year as part of a book deal reportedly worth $ 2 million, while Justice Neil Gorsuch received just over $ 250,000 in book royalties. The news came in financial disclosures released on Thursday by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the administrative agency of the federal judiciary.

The justices are required to file the financial disclosures every year by May 15, although Justice Samuel Alito’s disclosure was not included in … Read the rest

Dismissal Denied in SPAC-Related Securities Suit Alleging Supply Chain Misrepresentations

As I have noted in recent posts (here, for example), SPAC-related securities suit filings continue to accumulate and represent a significant current securities litigation phenomenon. But while the number of suits continues to mount, relatively few of these cases have yet reached the dismissal stage. In a recent ruling, however, the defendant company’s motion to dismiss in a SPAC-related securities suit was substantially denied as to the company itself and its top executives. In particular, the claims based on allegations … Read the rest

Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, June 6

Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, June 6


On Monday, June 6, we will be live blogging as the court releases orders from the June 2 conference and opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.

The post Announcement of orders and opinions for Monday, June 6 appeared first on SCOTUSblog.

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