In lawsuit against tech companies, justices debate what it means to “aid and abet” terrorism

In lawsuit against tech companies, justices debate what it means to “aid and abet” terrorism


The Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared wary of a lawsuit seeking to hold Twitter, Facebook, and Google liable for aiding and abetting international terrorism based on ISIS’s use of the companies’ platforms. But during nearly three hours of oral argument, the justices struggled to draw a line between holding organizations responsible for supporting terrorism and allowing organizations to go about legitimate business, even if they may come in contact with terrorists as part of that business.

The dispute, Twitter Read the rest

Justices will consider whether tech giants can be sued for allegedly aiding ISIS terrorism

Justices will consider whether tech giants can be sued for allegedly aiding ISIS terrorism


In 2015, ISIS conducted a series of coordinated attacks around Paris that killed 130 people and wounded nearly 500 more. Two years later, 39 people were killed in an ISIS attack on an Istanbul nightclub during the early hours of New Year’s Day. This week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a pair of cases arising from the attacks. The justices’ decisions in Gonzalez v. Google and Twitter v. Taamneh could reshape legal liability for some of … Read the rest

Elon Musk, internet freedom, and how the Supreme Court might force big tech into a catch-22

Elon Musk, internet freedom, and how the Supreme Court might force big tech into a catch-22


“The bird is freed,” Elon Musk tweeted on the night he completed his $ 44 billion purchase of Twitter.

What he didn’t say is that a series of court cases may soon clip its wings.

A self-described free-speech absolutist, Musk has suggested he will loosen Twitter’s content-moderation rules, allow more objectionable speech to remain on the site, and reinstate some users who have been banned. Three days after reassuring advertisers that he won’t let Twitter become a “free-for-all hellscape,” he … Read the rest

Tech industry asks court to block Texas law that targets social media companies

Tech industry asks court to block Texas law that targets social media companies


Two technology trade groups came to the Supreme Court on Friday night, asking the justices to block a controversial Texas law that bars large social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from moderating speech based on the viewpoints of their users. Describing the law as an “undisguised effort to level the speech playing field and control ‘Big Tech,’” the groups urged the court to reinstate a decision by a federal district judge in Texas that barred the state from … Read the rest