Court will confront jurisdictional jumble in the case of a transgender woman seeking relief from deportation

Court will confront jurisdictional jumble in the case of a transgender woman seeking relief from deportation


The nation’s immigration courts are breaking under the cumulative weight of a byzantine statutory scheme, chronic understaffing, and insurmountable case backlogs. The noncitizens appearing before them face a host of daunting challenges — language barriers, financial strain, lack of legal assistance, and years-long delays — before they can entertain any hope of resolving their immigration status. Against this rather bleak backdrop comes the low-profile case of Santos-Zacaria v. Garland, which the Supreme Court will hear on Tuesday. In … Read the rest

Justices will again confront state-secrets privilege in lawsuit challenging FBI surveillance of mosques

Justices will again confront state-secrets privilege in lawsuit challenging FBI surveillance of mosques


The FBI called it “Operation Flex”: a counterterrorism investigation in southern California. When three of the Americans targeted by the FBI learned of the investigation, they filed a lawsuit in federal court, alleging that the FBI and its agents had discriminated against them based on their religion and had conducted illegal searches. That lawsuit is now before the Supreme Court, which will hear argument Monday on whether it should be dismissed under the “state secrets” privilege or whether a … Read the rest