Gun-rights advocates bring twin challenges to Maryland gun-control law

Gun-rights advocates bring twin challenges to Maryland gun-control law


The Petitions of the Week column highlights some of the cert petitions recently filed in the Supreme Court. A list of all petitions we’re watching is available here.

The Supreme Court’s landmark 2022 gun-rights ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which held that laws restricting the right to bear arms are constitutional under the Second Amendment only if a tradition of such regulation can be found in U.S. history, triggered a wave … Read the rest

Probation and Pretrial Officers Help Bring Positive Change in the Community

U.S. probation and pretrial officers must balance two very important goals: protecting public safety and helping people they oversee make positive changes in their lives. In recognition of National Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision (PPPS) Week, a new video explains the work of officers and their unique roles in the administration of justice, providing insight into how they do their jobs effectively.
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Federal Judges Bring Civil Discourse Program to Law Students

Court proceedings put a premium on decorum and civil discourse, but the skills and dispositions that set the stage start long before the attorneys and parties enter the courtroom. That is why federal judges and attorneys collaborated with Duke Law School to bring the Judiciary’s Civil Discourse and Difficult Decisions program to law students for the first time.
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Judges Bring Financial Literacy to Florida Veterans

Florida bankruptcy judges are on a mission to empower military veterans with financial literacy. During a series of events scheduled statewide, the judges have partnered with local legal and veterans service organizations to teach valuable skills for making educated financial decisions and avoiding deceptive credit traps.  
Judiciary News – United States CourtsRead the rest